Our digital dental products have gained popularity across various global markets, including the USA, Australia, the UK, Germany, New Zealand, Canada, Brazil, Singapore, and the Middle East.

Type of dental scanner(english), scanners odontologicos(brazil), escaner dental(spanish), scanner dentaire(french)

This comprehensive guide offers a unique multilingual comparison of dental scanners, tailored for dental professionals across the globe. Presented in English, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Arabic, the guide delves into the nuances of various dental scanners, including intraoral, extraoral, and CBCT types.

Each section, written in its respective language, covers the same essential information, ensuring consistency and accuracy. The guide highlights key features, pros, cons, and popular brands like iTero, Trios, CEREC, Planmeca, Carestream, Vatech, and Dentsply Sirona.

This multilingual approach not only caters to a diverse audience but also respects the linguistic and cultural contexts of each reader. Whether you are a dental practitioner, a student in dentistry, or a technology enthusiast, this guide serves as an invaluable resource for understanding and comparing dental scanners in the language of your choice.

English Section: “Comparing the Latest Dental Scanners: A Guide for Dental Professionals”


  • Purpose: Highlight the significance of dental scanners in contemporary dentistry.
  • Overview: Brief introduction to dental scanners and their applications.

Types of Dental Scanners:

  1. Intraoral Scanners: Discuss brands like iTero, Trios, CEREC, focusing on accuracy, patient comfort, and cost.
  2. Extraoral Scanners: Include Planmeca, Carestream, covering scan range and resolution.
  3. CBCT Scanners: Mention Vatech, Dentsply Sirona, discussing radiation exposure and image quality.

Key Features to Consider:

  • Resolution, speed, patient comfort, software compatibility, cost.


  • Summarize findings and provide recommendations based on practice needs.

Portuguese (Brazil) Section: “Comparando Scanners Odontológicos: Um Guia para Profissionais da Odontologia”


  • Propósito: Enfatizar a importância dos scanners odontológicos na odontologia moderna.
  • Visão Geral: Introdução breve aos scanners odontológicos e suas aplicações.

Tipos de Scanners Odontológicos:

  1. Scanners Intraorais: Discutir marcas como iTero, Trios, CEREC, focando em precisão, conforto do paciente e custo.
  2. Scanners Extraorais: Incluir Planmeca, Carestream, abordando alcance de varredura e resolução.
  3. Scanners CBCT: Mencionar Vatech, Dentsply Sirona, discutindo exposição à radiação e qualidade de imagem.

Características Chave a Considerar:

  • Resolução, velocidade, conforto do paciente, compatibilidade com software, custo.


  • Resumir as descobertas e fornecer recomendações com base nas necessidades da prática.

Spanish Section: “Comparativa de Escáneres Dentales: Una Guía para Profesionales Dentales”


  • Propósito: Destacar la importancia de los escáneres dentales en la odontología actual.
  • Visión General: Introducción breve a los escáneres dentales y sus aplicaciones.

Tipos de Escáneres Dentales:

  1. Escáneres Intraorales: Discutir marcas como iTero, Trios, CEREC, enfocándose en precisión, comodidad del paciente y costo.
  2. Escáneres Extraorales: Incluir Planmeca, Carestream, cubriendo el rango de escaneo y resolución.
  3. Escáneres CBCT: Mencionar Vatech, Dentsply Sirona, discutiendo la exposición a radiación y calidad de imagen.

Características Clave a Considerar:

  • Resolución, velocidad, comodidad del paciente, compatibilidad con software, costo.


  • Resumir hallazgos y proporcionar recomendaciones basadas en las necesidades de la práctica.

French Section: “Comparaison des Scanners Dentaires: Un Guide pour les Professionnels Dentaires”


  • But: Souligner l’importance des scanners dentaires dans la dentisterie moderne.
  • Aperçu: Brève introduction aux scanners dentaires et leurs applications.

Types de Scanners Dentaires:

  1. Scanners Intraoraux: Discuter des marques telles que iTero, Trios, CEREC, en se concentrant sur la précision, le confort du patient et le coût.
  2. Scanners Extraoraux: Inclure Planmeca, Carestream, en abordant la portée du scan et la résolution.
  3. Scanners CBCT: Mentionner Vatech, Dentsply Sirona, en discutant de l’exposition aux radiations et de la qualité de l’image.

Caractéristiques Clés à Considérer:

  • Résolution, vitesse, confort du patient, compatibilité logicielle, coût.


  • Résumer les découvertes et fournir des recommandations basées sur les besoins de la pratique.

This structure ensures that each language section covers the same essential information, making the article useful for a diverse, multilingual audience. The content should be culturally and linguistically adapted to each language for clarity and relevance.

German Section: “Vergleich von Dental-Scannern: Ein Leitfaden für Zahnmedizinische Fachkräfte”


  • Zweck: Die Bedeutung von Dental-Scannern in der modernen Zahnheilkunde hervorheben.
  • Überblick: Kurze Einführung in Dental-Scanner und ihre Anwendungen.

Arten von Dental-Scannern:

  1. Intraorale Scanner: Diskussion über Marken wie iTero, Trios, CEREC, mit Fokus auf Genauigkeit, Patientenkomfort und Kosten.
  2. Extraorale Scanner: Einbeziehung von Planmeca, Carestream, mit Schwerpunkt auf Scanbereich und Auflösung.
  3. CBCT-Scanner: Erwähnung von Vatech, Dentsply Sirona, Diskussion über Strahlenbelastung und Bildqualität.

Wichtige Merkmale:

  • Auflösung, Geschwindigkeit, Patientenkomfort, Softwarekompatibilität, Kosten.


  • Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen basierend auf den Bedürfnissen der Praxis.

Italian Section: “Confronto tra Scanner Dentali: Una Guida per i Professionisti del Settore Dentale”


  • Scopo: Sottolineare l’importanza degli scanner dentali nella odontoiatria moderna.
  • Panoramica: Breve introduzione agli scanner dentali e alle loro applicazioni.

Tipi di Scanner Dentali:

  1. Scanner Intraorali: Discussione su marchi come iTero, Trios, CEREC, concentrandosi su precisione, comfort del paziente e costo.
  2. Scanner Extraorali: Inclusione di Planmeca, Carestream, focalizzandosi su gamma di scansione e risoluzione.
  3. Scanner CBCT: Menzione di Vatech, Dentsply Sirona, discussione su esposizione alle radiazioni e qualità dell’immagine.

Caratteristiche Chiave:

  • Risoluzione, velocità, comfort del paziente, compatibilità del software, costo.


  • Riassunto dei risultati e raccomandazioni basate sulle esigenze della pratica.

Russian Section: “Сравнение Стоматологических Сканеров: Руководство для Стоматологических Специалистов”


  • Цель: Подчеркнуть важность стоматологических сканеров в современной стоматологии.
  • Обзор: Краткое введение в стоматологические сканеры и их применение.

Типы Стоматологических Сканеров:

  1. Интраоральные Сканеры: Обсуждение брендов, таких как iTero, Trios, CEREC, с акцентом на точность, комфорт пациента и стоимость.
  2. Экстраоральные Сканеры: Включение Planmeca, Carestream, с упором на диапазон сканирования и разрешение.
  3. Сканеры CBCT: Упоминание Vatech, Dentsply Sirona, обсуждение воздействия радиации и качества изображения.

Ключевые Характеристики:

  • Разрешение, скорость, комфорт пациента, совместимость с программным обеспечением, стоимость.


  • Подведение итогов и рекомендации в зависимости от потребностей практики.

Arabic Section: “مقارنة أجهزة المسح الضوئي السنية: دليل للمتخصصين في طب الأسنان”


  • الغرض: تسليط الضوء على أهمية أجهزة المسح الضوئي السنية في طب الأسنان الحديث.
  • نظرة عامة: مقدمة موجزة عن أجهزة المسح الضوئي السنية وتطبيقاتها.

أنواع أجهزة المسح الضوئي السنية:

  1. أجهزة المسح الضوئي داخل الفم: مناقشة العلامات التجارية مثل iTero, Trios, CEREC، مع التركيز على الدقة وراحة المريض والتكلفة.
  2. أجهزة المسح الضوئي خارج الفم: تضمين Planmeca, Carestream، مع التركيز على نطاق المسح والدقة.
  3. أجهزة المسح الضوئي CBCT: ذكر Vatech, Dentsply Sirona، مناقشة التعرض للإشعاع وجودة الصورة.

الميزات الرئيسية التي يجب مراعاتها:

  • الدقة، السرعة، راحة المريض، التوافق مع البرمجيات، التكلفة.


  • تلخيص النتائج وتقديم توصيات بناءً على احتياجات الممارسة.

Each section is tailored to the respective language, ensuring that the content is accessible and relevant to dental professionals from different linguistic backgrounds. The core information remains consistent across all languages, providing a comprehensive comparison of dental scanners.

types of dental scanners in English, we can structure it to include key aspects such as brand, type, key features, pros, and cons. Here’s an example of how the table could be formatted:

Brand/Model Type of Scanner Key Features Pros Cons
iTero Intraoral High precision, 3D imaging, color scanning Accurate, user-friendly, good visuals Higher cost, requires training
Trios Intraoral Fast scanning, touch screen, wireless options Quick, portable, intuitive interface Expensive, software subscription fees
CEREC Intraoral Milling integration, powder-free, real-time feedback Comprehensive solution, fast High initial investment, learning curve
Planmeca Extraoral Wide scan area, high resolution, versatile applications Detailed scans, robust design Bulky, more suitable for larger clinics
Carestream Extraoral 3D imaging, low dose options, user-friendly software Versatile, lower radiation exposure Requires space, initial cost
Vatech CBCT 3D imaging, low radiation, various fields of view High-quality images, versatile High cost, requires specific training
Dentsply Sirona CBCT Advanced imaging technology, user comfort Superior image quality, reliable Expensive, more complex operation

This table provides a quick overview and comparison of various dental scanners, highlighting their type, key features, and the pros and cons of each model. It’s a useful tool for dental professionals to assess which scanner might best suit their practice’s needs. Remember, the information in the table should be updated regularly to reflect the latest models and technological advancements in dental scanning equipment.